Chasing My Why

Your WHY is the purpose, cause or belief that drives you.

I studied education years ago. Running a classroom of little ones filled my heart with joy and my soul with purpose.

Enter, Friedreich’s Ataxia and my expectations crumbled.

FA is progressive and by the time I earned my teaching license and a graduate degree in education, I was struggling to make it through my days.

My fatigue was becoming undeniable.

Switching career paths is never easy, especially when you don’t have a choice. Today, I’m a freelancer. I work with clients who sell resources for teachers, as well as own and manage multiple ecommerce shops, including this one for minimal and elevated rare disease clothing.

My Why has slowly but surely merged into a different path. I help students in a different way. Not only do I help students, but I am so honored and grateful to be helping you.

I adore getting up in the morning and hopping on my laptop to create and connect.

Today, I hope to be the person I desperately needed when I was younger and diagnosed with FA, when I felt my world closing in.

I’ve wrestled with this idea of purpose. If I love teaching so deeply, that should be my purpose in life. I love helping others in this community, but I don’t feel the same drive and purpose sitting behind a screen.

Essential lesson: Two things can be true at the same time.

I can miss teaching AND wholeheartedly love creating, writing, and connecting.

As the years pass, I realize teaching was definitely not a good fit for me- FA or not. Teaching comes with endless stress, strife, and pushback, and I genuinely believe that in a world where I don’t have FA, I am exactly where I need to be.

I can now focus on myself. My health. My Wellness. My relationships. My Joy. My inner peace.


My Diagnosis Story


Social Media & Chronic Illness/ Disability