Morning Routine

Living with a rare disease has shown me the importance of focusing on my health and wellness.

I’ve never been one of those wellness girlies who wakes up at 5 AM, does an intense workout, goes on a 5-mile walk, always has a well-balanced breakfast, and has a 12-step skincare routine.

To be totally honest, I almost never completely finish my own morning routine. I live in an unpredictable body and I’ve come to terms with that. I rarely complete all steps of my morning routine, usually complete most of it, and sometimes only get a few steps in. Here is what my ideal morning routine looks like:

  1. Wake up without an alarm

    Anyone who expresses interest in sleep gets my passionate recommendation for the book Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker. Easily one of my most eye-opening and life-changing books of all time. In a nutshell, Walker walks us through the many, powerful reasons why we sleep. I will never look at sleep the same way. 95% of the time, I let my body tell me when it’s ready to get up.

    If you have FA, you know no matter what time you go to sleep, you may very well need more sleep when your alarm goes off. It’s so essential your body is well-rested. (I’m fortunate to have a flexible job and a dog who would never accept unreasonable sleeping in.)

One non-negotiable for getting up early(ish) is throwing on a comfy, oversized sweatshirt. It helps me get out of my warm, cozy bed. This sweatshirt is my all-time favorite.

  1. Skincare

    Quick and efficient is what I go for. Non-negotiables are cleansing, moisturizing, and sunscreen. I also take my plethora of medication at this time. I love this 2-in-1 sunscreen+ moisturizer from Pacifica.

  2. Take Jazzy Out & Soak Up Sunlight

    I am unashamedly a Dr. Huberman stan, and will always soak up any of his neuroscience-backed discussions and advice for living well. Usually, Jasper is my sole motivation for getting outside and breathing fresh air. Dr. Huberman preaches the benefits of sunlight in your eyes in the morning.

  3. Matcha

    This is a relatively new caffeine choice for me and I’ll you know the why and how sometime in the future. Essentially I’m swapping out coffee for Matcha Tea each morning.

  4. Meditation

    I've been obsessed with Superhuman App to guide meditation. I attempt about 20 minutes of meditations that speak to me.

  5. Journal

    Like every other wellness girl, I love my 5-Minute Journal for practicing gratitude. I also have a journal with blank pages I use on days I have a lot on my mind.

  6. Stretch

    I used to think I needed to exercise in the morning until I realized how greatly that was adding to my fatigue. Now, I just try to stretch out, so I feel my best for the day ahead.


The Importance of Self-Care for Women with Rare Disease, Chronic Illness, or Disabilities


My Diagnosis Story